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Kibor, programmable autoclicker is an integrated development environment for bots.
Download Kibor
Kibor is a programmable autoclicker, specially sharpened for easy writing scripts and macros for automating actions on the computer. In particular, writing bots to various online games. It does not matter what type of game - browser, 2D or 3D ... Specially developed functions and tools will allow to automate any action in any game as much as possible making them similar to the game of a person.
There are a sufficient number of programmable autoclickers, but none of them provide such convenience when developing bots like Kibor. Built-in toolkit allows you to work with the graphics of the game directly in the program window getting all the necessary data in seconds. The scripting language is sharpened to the processing of the image on the screen and programming the keyboard and mouse controls.
In addition, Kibor has an unparalleled Visual Code Editor, allowing you to create programs in minutes to users who have no idea about programming. The creation of program code occurs by elementary drawing of the program logic scheme in free style by free lines on the canvas using the pencil tool. Video work (creating a bot in the visual editor Kibor) is shown on this video.
Kibor has a built-in text recognition module that allows you to easily and reliably read text information from images. Read more.
Emulation of the keyboard and mouse at a low level allows you to keep working under any protection from autoclickers. Also, keyboard and mouse work is supported in minimized and not active windows.
The ability to connect external DLLs and use Api greatly extends the capabilities of the built-in language.
Video of the work of a private anti-Kikhor anti-gamer under GameGuard
In addition to interacting with the game using input devices, it is possible to read and write directly to the memory of the game process.
Even if you are not familiar with programming, do not be scared. Bots can be collected from ready-made functions as a constructor without going into their work. For this it is enough to study a small textbook on the program. Having mastered the program Kibor, you will no longer scour the net in search of another bot, as a rule, to no avail.
Powerful functions of scanning the screen and searching for interesting objects on it have no analogues in similar programs. So no such programmable clicker is able to work with 3D games like Kibor does. He perfectly recognizes both 2D objects, and finds 3d models in 3D games.
Programmable clicker Kibor is equipped with unparalleled built-in graphic editor, allowing you to work with the graphics of the game in real time. There is also a tool for working with individual controls of various programs, the actions in which you need to automate.
Bots created in Kibor do not depend on aps and game updates, since all the information is received directly from the game screen like a person. At the same time, due to the available functions of image analysis and search, they work very reliably.
On this site are examples of bots for games of different genres. Both 2D and 3D. For each example, a video of the work of these bots is attached. Having studied the textbook and viewing the scripts of these bots, it becomes clear how easy it is to work in this program.
Kibor can generate an executable EXE file that can be run without having a Kibor installed on the computer.
Developers will need such features as limiting the start of the generated EXE to one particular computer. Also to their services online demonstration of the script without source code transfer a limited number of days (demo mode). Access with the service directly through the Kibor menu. Principle of operation:
The author of the script downloads it to the server through the program menu by giving it a name and setting the demo mode time. The user can use this name through the Kibor menu to load this script into the program. In this case, the script itself is invisible to the user and can not be saved. The user can run it for execution for as many days as the developer indicated - from 1 to 30. At the end of the demo mode, the script will no longer run on the user's computer.
If the script has acquired a commercial value, the author of the script can use the service of managing user licensing, setting each individual user his time that he can use the script on his computer, This vervis will reliably protect the script from being used by its users who are not authorized to do so.
----- The Visual Code Editor is Kibor. Creating bots without knowledge of programming.
Learning function for recognizing text.
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