Нажмите для увеличения
Нажмите для увеличения
Вполне возможно, что бот работать не будет, т.к тестировался он лишь на одном ПК.
Если не работает и есть желание это исправить - писать в лс.
Демо режим разрешает рыбалку в течение 2-х минут.
To run the script you need a keyboard ps/2 because the game blocks keystrokes
After launching, the character must JUMP. If he dont jump - bot does't work
Disable driver signature verification if the jump does't work
It is desirable to set the minimum resolution of the game 1024x768
After starting, put the mouse on the window and wait 5 seconds
To close the program press CTRL + SHIFT + Z
Run from administrator
Подобрать точность - the size of the area (in pixels) to the left and right of the "fish" within which the float is searched
If the character moves while the Manual key is pressed - Enables the Action mode in the game
It is possible that the bot will not work, because it was tested only on one PC.
If it does't work and there is a desire to fix it - write in private message.
Demo mode allows fishing for 2 minutes.