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1. Kibor - 07 Июля, 2020 - 15:29:32 - перейти к сообщению
A simple script that parses a site with a list of free proxies makes an array of them and checks them for performance.
It allows you to easily automatically find a working free proxy without going to any sites manually and without checking the proxy list by hand.

If a working proxy is found, it issues the page(для просмотра ссылки Вам необходимо авторизоваться) to which the script goes through this proxy and issues an IP and port for further use of the free proxy for its intended purpose.

int pos_size_edit0[1][4];
string text_edit0[1];

pos_size_edit0[0][0]=10; pos_size_edit0[0][1]=9; pos_size_edit0[0][2]=221; pos_size_edit0[0][3]=20;
text_edit0[0]="Proxy parsing...";

createdialog(0, EDIT, #pos_size_edit0[0][0], #text_edit0[0]);
showdialog(0, "Proxy Search", 200, 200, 250, 70, 1, 1);


function find_proxi()
int pade=1;
string T;
if (sendgetweb(#T, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0", "GET", "http:/^/", "Proxy?page="+format(pade)))
text_edit0[0]="Proxy parsing...";
//messagebox ("Proxy?page="+format(pade));
if (fopen ("c:\5.txt", "w")!=0)
{//если открылся
fclose();//закрываем файл

string P[100];
string R="(?<=input type=^"checkbox^" class=^"ch^" value=^")[\d]+(\.)[\d]+(\.)[\d]+(\.)[\d]+(:)[\d]+(?=^" onclick=^"SelectProxy\(this\)^")";
int k=regexsearch(100, #P[0], T, R);
if (k==0)
messagebox ("No proxy");
for (int n=0; n<k; n++)
//messagebox (P[n]);

if (sendgetweb(P[n], #T, "", "GET", "https:/^/", "forum"))
if (T!="")
//messagebox (IP[n]+":"+PORT[n]);
messagebox (P[n]+" - "+T);
if (fopen ("c:\5.txt", "w")!=0)
{//если открылся
fwrite("Working proxy "+P[n]+"^r^n"+T);
fclose();//закрываем файл

goto S;

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