Kibor Bot Autoclicker » Kibor - Integrated development environment for bots » About Kibor » Version 3.23 Sendkey's workflow and adding features to the value of the imported cookbook

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1. Kibor - 24 Июля, 2018 - 03:05:56 - перейти к сообщению
individualcode - returns string in which there is an individual key of the machine on which it is running. The one that can be found in the About window.

individualcode ();

messagebox (individualcode ());

An example of how to find out the key when starting a ready exe
DIALOG "Window name" 237 180
BUTTONSCRIPT "Run" 125 121 100 25
EDIT_0 "" 105 8 120 18
STATIC_0 "code" 10 10 90 18

sendcontrol (EDIT_0, individualcode ());

Link for this example
The code block that runs before the graphical shell is created.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------

Also finalize sendkey based on of this theme.

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