Kibor Bot Autoclicker » Kibor - Integrated development environment for bots » About Kibor » Version 5.46 Passing pointers to pointers in nested functions

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1. Kibor - 04 Декабря, 2018 - 21:58:04 - перейти к сообщению
It became possible not limited use of pointers #
Now you can pass pointers to pointers to nested functions.

int x=55, y;
int Image[5][30][30];
loadimage (#Image[0][0][0], "C:\Image_0.bmp");
loadimage (#Image[1][0][0], "C:\Image_1.bmp");
int tt=2;
ss(#Image[0][0][0], #x, #tt);

function ss(int #b, int #xx, int #r)
for (int n=0; n<r; n++)
findimage(1, #b[n][0][0], -1, #xx, #y, 0, 0, 1000, 568, -1);
messagebox (xx);

dd(#b[0][0][0], #xx, r);

function dd(int #w, int #xxx, int k)
messagebox (k);


for (int n=0; n<k; n++)
messagebox (findimage(1, #w[n][0][0], -1, #xxx, #y, 0, 0, 1000, 568, -1));

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