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1. Kibor - 24 Июля, 2018 - 04:36:07 - перейти к сообщению
Refinement findimage .
Now it's possible to search for images in the previously created screenshot using screen or an image uploaded from a file.

Apply where you have to simultaneously search for many different images.
The difference from the search directly on the screen is that if it is searched for a pointer to a window or -1 (across the entire screen), then every time the findimage is called, the screen of the area in which you want to search is done, and if the last parameter specifies a pointer to a two-dimensional array int in which there is already a picture of the search area that we can load into the array using screen, the screen screen is not done. The search speed is increased 2 - 3 times.

For example, we want to write a text recognition script. For this we have images of all the letters in different files. If we look for them at the last parameter of the pointer to the window, then the screen screen will be made on each letter.


int here_home [2000] [2000];
int c, xe, ye;
int x [1000], y [1000];
int xr, yr;
getdisplay (c, xe, ye);

int letters [26] [20] [20];
loadimage (# letters [0] [0] [0], "C:\a.bmp");
loadimage (# letters [1] [0] [0], "C:\b.bmp");
// ...............

screen (#here_site [0] [0], 0, 0, xe, ye, -1);
xr=imagewidth (# here_find [0] [0]);
yr=imageheight (#here_site [0] [0]);

for (int n=0; n <26; n ++)
findimage (-1, # letters [n] [0] [0], 16777215, #x [0], #y [0], 0, 0, xr, yr, # here_from [0] [ 0] ); // We are looking for different pictures in the screen shot earlier

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